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Welcome to the Loflin MS Library


LMS students will attain knowledge and skills to become accomplished readers, independent learners, critical thinkers, creative problem solvers, and informed citizens through the expertise of the school librarian and teachers and the use of resources and services provided by the LMS school library programs.

LMS Book Circulation Policy

Students may borrow 3 books at a time.

  • Pending approval by the librarian, some students may be allowed up to 5 books at a time.

A student may keep a book up to 3 weeks. 

  • If a student finishes with a book earlier, the student is encouraged to return it earlier in case someone else is waiting to read it.

  • If the book has no holds, the student may renew the book for 2 more weeks if more time is needed.

No late fines are applied for overdue books.

  • If a student has an overdue book, no additional books may be borrowed until the account is cleared.

If a book is lost or damaged, the student must pay for the replacement cost of the book.

Students visit the library every 3 weeks with their ELA classes.

  • A student may visit the library with a pass during class time.

  • Additionally, the library is also open before school at 7:45 AM for student use.

Students may hold books by logging into the online catalog, Alexandria

  • eBooks are available for all students in addition to the print collection.

  • Students are encouraged to select whatever reading material is of interest to them.

  • Intellectual Freedom Self-Censorship Statement for Students

    1. You know best what reading materials serve you and your family’s standards and beliefs.

    2. If a book is unappealing or offensive to you in any way, please return it and select another.

    3. As you select the library books you will read, please understand that every book is not the best choice for every student.

    4. Reading is a joy, a privilege, and the right of every student.

    5. Books marked YA are available only for 8th grade students.


According to JISD Board Policy, parents may be involved in their child's selection of reading material. Policy states: "In general, a student is afforded the opportunity to self-select library materials as part of literacy development and the library program. District staff may assist a student in selecting library material; however, the ultimate determination of appropriateness remains with the student and parent. Parents are encouraged to communicate with the campus librarian and their child's teacher about special considerations regarding library materials self-selected by their student."


Librarian Contact Information:

Alicia Rosales

817-202-2500 ext. 1428