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Battle of the Books

The JISD Battle of the Books

February 28, 2025

Galbreath Gym

This event is designed to promote reading.

The goals of the event are:

  • to encourage and recognize students who enjoy reading,

  • to broaden reading interests,

  • and to further involve students with quality children’s literature.

Loflin Middle School and Nichols Middle School will compete in the Intermediate category composed of teams from 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.

We will have fifteen teams from each campus with no more than 5 members per team.

See your ELAR teacher if you want to read some great books and be on one of these teams.

The books for the competition will be selected by the JISD librarian. The list will be release to students, parents, and staff once finalized.


Alone  - Megan Freeman

Adventure Fiction Novel / Novel in Verse

And Then, Boom! - Lisa Fipps

Realistic Fiction Novel / Novel in Verse

New Dragon City - Mari Mancusi

Fantasy Novel / Prose Text

Rivals - Tommy Greenwald

Sports Fiction Novel / Multi Media Format

A Rover’s Story - Jasmine Warga

Science Fiction Novel / Prose Text

White Bird: the Graphic Novel - R.J. Palacio

Historical Fiction Novel / Graphic Novel Format